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All I Wanna Do is Hibernate.

Dear 31,

Since returning from Muscatine and a 5 day stretch of holiday-ing (mind you this was just about 3 weeks ago), I have only been willing to slip on an oversized sweater, wear glasses and leggings and be in my own house. I walk around with a blanket draped over my shoulders like a cape (the chic fashion kind, not the superhero kind), shuffling in my slippers around the house, purging my closet, stressing about the wedding, drawing a few projects, cooking up new ideas for valentines day and a couple meatloaves*. We've play a lot of scrabble, too. #nerds

Last week I ventured out, finally. Wore shoes that weren't slippers, brushed and curled my hair. And then found myself confused in a parking garage. (That's real. And real embarrassing.) I'm slowly figuring out how to park again and how to be a wee bit social in real life. 

Winter makes me tired, guys.

With the new #goingsolo career, January feels so strange. After the non-stop-scribbling of December, January is the kind of lull that forces you to put goals to paper (or to Evernote) and plan the year ahead. I've been creating measures of success, plotting a social media schedule, printing valentines I hope other people think are funny: January has been, thus far, all about hope and plans.

What do other #goingsolo friends do to keep January jazzy?

(And that 40 degree weather heats up my energy level.)



*meatloaves: is that how you pluralize meatloaf?