This is Laura.
A card made by Laura over 20 years ago.
That sure is Annette Bening!
The illustrator behind XO-LP
A lifelong Iowan who values the U.S. Postal Service and a thoughtfully handwritten note, I started XO-LP in 2009 producing whimsical illustrations made with markers and wit. I went from full-time fundraiser to full-time illustrator in 2014, a dream I’ve had since creating my first hand-made greeting card in 1988.
In the past 10 years, I have worked on over 750 custom illustration projects including illustrations that appeared in Midwest Living and Better Homes and Gardens Magazines, a Rogue jump box that Carrie Underwood owns and featured in her recent book, a portable mural for Facebook, a real life water tower that looks over my hometown of Muscatine, Iowa, 10 murals at elementary schools and countless drawings for my niece and nephew.
Want to see what I’m making with Elementary Schools across the country? Check this out.
Hyper Coffee
Iowa Credit Union Foundation
Iowa’s Healthiest State Initiative
Iowa Immunizes
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation
Iowa Radiology
Inspire Iowa’s Future
Johnston, Iowa
Jou Jou, Des Moines
Leadership Iowa
Liberty Street Kitchen
Lincoln Savings Bank
Locally Grown Clothing Co.
Kitchen Collage
Kneeling Cat Pilates
Malo, Des Moines
Market Day Iowa
Martha Stewart Living Online
Mary Farmar Elementary
McAlister’s Deli
Mercy Foundation
Mills Marketing
Mid Iowa Health Foundation
Midwest Living Magazine
Muscatine, Iowa
Muscatine Power and Water
Never Settle
Ocean Breeze Massage
Old Mill School
One Woman Shop
Outlets of Des Moines
Planned Parenthood of the Heartland
Principal Financial Group
Raccoon Valley Bank
Roosevelt High School
Saint Augustin School
Snappy Casual
Spruce Elementary
Strategic America
Table 128, Des Moines
The Shop Forward
Tito’s Vodka
USA Gymnastics
Variety of Iowa
Vibrant Coffee
Wakonda Country Club
Whitfield & Eddy
Winefest, Des Moines
Anheuser Busch
Aptitude Fitness
Arch Foot & Ankle
Baker’s Cay Resort
Ballet Des Moines
Bank of America
Bankers Trust
Bayshore School
Being Boss Vacation: New Orleans
Better Homes & Gardens Magazine
Blk and Bold Coffee
Blue Pearl Clinic
Bocs DSM
Bral Niedert
Bubba, Des Moines
Canal Insurance
Capital City Pride
Capital Crossroads
Carrier Access
Centro, Des Moines
Christopher’s, Des Moines
The City, French Pop Duo
Cool Mom Picks
Des Moines Art Center
Des Moines Art Festival
Des Moines Business Record
Des Moines Moms Blog
Des Moines Public Library
Des Moines Public Library Foundation
Des Moines Social Club
Des Moines Symphony
Diversified Management Services
Drake University
DreiBerge Coffee
Django, Des Moines
East Village Spa
Florida International University
Garden Village Elementary
Geneva Golf and Country Club
Glen Oaks Country Club
Greater Des Moines Community Foundation
Greater Des Moines Convention and Visitors Bureau
Greenwood Elementary School
Happy Medium
Heartland Wedding Ideas
Hitha on the Go
Holmes Murphy