Backstage Biz with Allyssa Barnes.
Dear 31,
I found Allyssa Barnes through Pinterest. Pinterest is a magical place. (And a deep dark hole of creativity and resources and how-tos that it's tough to dig yourself out of at 11:45pm on a Tuesday night.)
I've been trying to build a board packed with resources focused on helping me build my biz and boy-oh-boy Pinterest is full of resources. (Check out my board aptly titled "gettin' business") So many resources.
I stumbled on this post Allyssa wrote about what to do when you are lacking inspiration… I was sure feeling that a couple weeks ago. We all know that place right? From what I know and have read about Allyssa-- she's sweet, talented, thoughtful enough to promote the bitty businesses of virtual strangers and her blog is full of valuable resources.
Allyssa's point #5: Dive In is what pushed me to write her an email about a new series she was working on that profiled all kinds of businesses. I sent my note off to Allyssa telling her all about my teeny, trying to constantly grow business and went about my normal day. And then there I was, in the downtown Starbucks prepping for a meeting about the Des Moines Arts Festival and POOF she responded, telling me I was in!
Thanks for the photo Adrienne! (Check out JustADG photography!)
Today my little biz story is up!
I've found this series super helpful: I've added some resourceful lady bloggers to my Feedly, found some new tools that are proving waaaay helpful and been inspired by the other folks (including Allyssa) who have been profiled. These peeps are further along their biz path than I am, that's for sure, but I'm so proud to be included in the mix.
"Carving out time to work on building an empire is tough."
(Those are the kinds of things you can read me saying in response to Allyssa's great questions. I have very modest dreams of building an empire.)
Thanks for sharing my biz backstage tour, Allyssa.
Now, I gotta get back to Captain Bob. Ahoy.