
Kindle + iPad + Des Moines Public Library

I'm a devout paper lover.

Books. All the books to leaf through, to feel, the smell of fresh print. I find calm in the walls of a Library. I carry a bound, thick skinned sketchbook with me daily. I love all the paper. Every last scrap of it. 

So here comes the heavy hearted confession: I'm reading on my iPad. Voraciously.

It all happened so fast. 

"Oh look. An app that connects this Kindle reader thing to my local library."

"Wait. I have access to SIX BOOKS AT A TIME." 

"OMG I finished a book in a day. What am I going to read next? This is terrific."

And the cycle continued. Here I am, just a week after downloading the OverDrive app, and I've checked out 8 e-books, read 3, and downloading 2 more as I type this. It sounds hyperbolic, but this has changed everything. Thanks for connecting me to everything, Des Moines Public Library. You're the best. I'll still be in love with paper, but whoa you've made everything so easy. 

[and here's what I've devoured in 7 days: The Girl on the Train, Big Little Lies + Fates and Furies. What should I read next?]


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